Sunday, March 13, 2011


a friend of capt. mark becerra gave me a call... he said he watched my show 30milesOUT and thought i shoud hook up with his bud capt. mark who had a fly fishing guide service.... well i (ty southerland) said " for sure!".... so i called capt. mark and set up a date... it was june of 2010 and the weather was looking real stable for site casting redfish on the fly rod...
     i meet capt. mark down in aroyo city at his shop the eve before our trip... we began to rig up his maverick HPX poling skiff.... we left the next morning around 8am and headed to a boat launch in arroyo city that put you in a cannal that led straight to rattle snake bay... we were just north of south padre island... rattle snake bay was slick as glass that morning and heald many fish.... we hung up and broke off on several nice reds on crab patterns like mekin crabs as well as clouser minnows.... as the morning grew later, capt. mark decided to cut across the bay and hit the backside of south padre island... the waters of rattlesnake bay were very simmilar to the flats of south east texas... a little dingy and muddy... something i'm used to ... when we cut across the bay to the south padre island side it was a whole other story... the water was bahama clear! i thought i was in the bahamas chasing bonefish! gin clear flats just begging to be fly casted! we saw several fish... we actually scaled down our flys to smaller bonfish patters.. crazy charlies and such to allow for the clear water... we could see the fish from a long way off from the push pole platform... but, the fish could also see us coming from a long way off! we make cast after cast with our 8wt. fly rods untill we could cast no more... plenty of reds and sheephead and ladyfish.. no takers... so, we headed back across  to rattle snake bay... got a few more hookups that all ended in break offs! no worries cuz it was the experience that counted..... if your ever in south texas look up the flats guide service... capt. mark becerra can put you on some fish like nobodys business! great trip and good company....